You had your fair share of conquests in Belarus. It wasn’t a good idea, but you double-bagged it once to be safe (terrible idea), and now you’re out of condoms for your two-day stop in Germany. Because it just wouldn’t be fair to leave you hanging, here’s part two of TravelSexLife’s 69 Countries, 69 Condoms.
Table of Contents
Croatian Condom
Croatia’s prophylactic promises an “aroma” like no other. Stick on a “kondomy” in this neck of the European woods and we guarantee you’ll be “coming” up smelling of roses…
Egyptian Condom
The Egyptian condom reminds us of our childhood days playing with Tops cards and eating strawberry-flavoured sweets. It’s great to see that they are into “enhanced pleasure”, we wonder if Mubarak put that promise to the test on his way out?
German Condom
This playful German condom is wildly popular with leader Angela Merkel, who unbeknown to us, likes them “young”.
Indian Condom
India goes all racy with their condom design. This one also got factory owners at Cadbury’s frothing at the mouth. Their “Moods” certainly changed after seeing this.
Indonesian Condom
You’d probably be fooled into thinking the Indonesian condom was actually a packet of tea bags if it wasn’t for this busty lass on the front. Surprisingly hot for one of the world’s largest Muslim countries – certainly nothing “Artika” about this one.
Japanese Condom

Japan’s slapped a “learner” sticker on their condom and even thrown in a badge. Taking your V-plates off as never been so celebratory.
Korean Condom
Obviously men in Korea fall for the tactics of toddler marketing campaigns. Whether someone told the little dude on the front that a towel just wouldn’t suffice in his ensuing act of love making remains to be seen. The Calpol of condoms.
Malaysian Condom
Obviously making love in Malaysia is a lot like going swimming. A few strokes later and it’s all over. Michael Phelps condom of choice.
Singaporean Condom
Nothing says I-want-to-hold-your-hand-and-run-off-into-the-distance more than this condom package from Singapore. If 18 makes up an economical pack we dread to think what’s in the bumper version.
South African Condom
South Africa resorts to Korean tactics and opts for cartoons on their homage to the rubber johnny. Those raised rubber studs? The motorcycle chick doesn’t look any more moved by those than the lubricated ones. She obviously needed a change of clothes though.
Swedish Condom
Sweden likes it’s bumps and grooves just as much as anyone yet are even more keen to point out the Vegan-friendly elements of their little number. The Birds n’ Bees have never felt so grateful. Especially now that they’re not being eaten.
Turkish Condom
Because all men in Turkey say “yes”. The no-bullshit, no-small talk condom.
BONUS: British Condom

To be found served up in East London kebab houses on weekend nights.
Now you’ve seen what the best of other nations has to offer, maybe you want to share your own condom adventures with our crew?
Share your thoughts below and check out the beginning of the series:
Part I Part III Part IV Part V Part VI