Latinas and Their Lustiness


Latinas and their Lustiness

 “Hola, buenos dias” she says with a cute little smile. I’m smitten at first glance.

Being anglo saxon middle class Canadian makes for a pretty boring upbringing and not a whole lot of cross cultural communication, let alone flirtation. Is it true that we are always more attracted to what we don’t have? Living in Buenos Aires, this answer is quite simply, yes. Argentina is full of surprises, but it’s no surprise that I have difficulty walking straight with my eyes being constantly averted by the smoking hot women passing by, especially in summer. I think I have found my weakness, my lust for Latinas and their lustiness.

When most people think of Latin American women, the terms spicy, dramatic, materialistic, fiery little emotional time bombs (etc.) usually come to mind. From my experience, this is genuinely correct and can be quite entertaining, especially when they get really mad. However, of course not all stereotypes hold true to form. I work in tourism and often meet Latin girls leading tours, working at hotels or hostels, and working as local guides for tour operators. This international daily interaction seems to calm the storm to a certain extent. However, this being said, it is hard to tame the emotional tendencies that most Latin women grow up with. Love plays a very important role in their lives and is portrayed in a much clearer fashion than that of women in the western world.

Latinas wear their hearts on their sleeve. They are not conservative with their feelings and want the world to know when they are in love. It is not uncommon to see two young lovers vigorously groping each other on a public bench in some park. Outdoor sex must be common somewhere, right? The younger generations are especially entertaining, it seems that these girls are always on their cell phones texting someone, making sure they’re seen as having lots of friends, smiling, laughing, whatever.

Social portfolios are also incredibly important to Latinas and Facebook has exploded down here. They want popularity and materialism, the perfect little consumers. South America is growing so quickly it seems that every Latina is constantly trying to keep up with the inevitable changing social trends.  This of course does not hold true for all Latinas and I am generalizing mostly the younger population; however, there are a couple of staples that most Latinas abide by throughout their entire lives.

One of my favourites is the apparent need to be wearing stilettos, everywhere.  I have seen women in the Punta Arenas airport boarding a plane in 4 inch heels, walking through a ski lodge in Las Lenas, Argentina, clicking down the cobble stone streets of Mendoza, walking off a tram car at a mountaintop lookout, whatever. Amazing! Latinas are stereotypically known for their scanty style, and heels are a staple of the style.

Another classic is crying. This should not be taken in the wrong way. It’s simply something that comes easy to Latinas. They love a good cry and are naturally more emotional than other women I have met. It’s really the ultimate guilt trip for me. As soon as the tap opens I feel like shit, even if I have done nothing wrong and am pretty sure I’m not the one who is crazy.

Emotion is obviously found all over the world, and I am definitely a little bias with my opinions here. However, I feel that the ideas hold true. Latinas are raised by Latinas. Their lustiness is passed down from generation to generation. Media and television assist this process (not that it’s a bad thing), there are countless over-the-top telenovelas that air on every cable station possible from the United States to the Ushuaia and the End of the Earth. Palpable emotions are the signature of many a Latina, and that fiery dramatic love happens to be quite the turn on for me. They love love, and I like that. Maybe I just need more practice.

Signing off from Puerto Natales, Chile.


Photo credit: guillebot


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