The Easy Recipe for Traditional Christmas Panettone Bread


    Creating the perfect panettone bread is an act of culinary artistry, a symphony of flavors that celebrates the holiday spirit with each sweet, fluffy bite. This traditional Italian Christmas bread, with its grand dome and festive mix of candied fruits and raisins, not only satisfies the palate but also warms the heart. 

    Here’s how to bring this joyous holiday treat to life in your own kitchen.

    Embracing the Origins: Understanding Panettone Bread

    Panettone bread is not just a delicious confection; it’s an integral part of the Italian Christmas tradition with roots deeply planted in the rich soils of Milanese culture. 

    It stands out from other holiday offerings thanks to its distinctive fermenting process, which can take several days, and results in the characteristic dome-shaped bread that is both light and airy. 

    Selecting the Right Ingredients

    Quality ingredients are the cornerstone of creating authentic panettone bread. From the highest-protein bread flour that gives structure to the fragrant zest of citrus that perfumes each slice, the choice of each component is a testament to the baker’s dedication to the craft. 

    These are the materials from which holiday memories are sculpted. With each careful selection, you are ensuring that your panettone is not only a treat for the taste buds but also a homage to the generations of bakers who have perfected this Christmas delight.

    The Art of Mixing and Kneading

    With your premium ingredients at hand, the ritual of mixing and kneading takes on a meditative quality. As you work the dough, you’re not just using technique and strength; you’re infusing the nascent loaf with the very essence of care and attention. 

    This dough is a living entity, and your touch is what guides it toward becoming a golden panettone bread that’s rich with complexity and soul.

    The Crucial Proofing Stages

    Proofing is the silent symphony of the baking process, where time and temperature play their roles in the background, allowing the panettone bread to achieve its lofty stature. This slow, deliberate rise is a ballet of biology, chemistry, and patience. It’s here that the panettone’s signature texture and flavor are finely tuned, readying it for the grand finale in the oven.

    Baking and Cooling: The Final Steps

    The crescendo of the process is the baking, a careful calibration of time and heat that turns the dough into a bronzed panettone bread. And just as critical is the cooling, an inverted rest that defies gravity and ensures the bread’s signature lightness is preserved. 

    This is the culmination of your efforts, the quiet aftermath of the oven’s roar, where your creation solidifies into the Christmas masterpiece it is meant to be.

    Enjoying and Sharing Your Homemade Panettone Bread

    As the final chapter in the story of your panettone bread, the sharing is perhaps the most rewarding. Cutting into the tender crumb, the air fills with the scent of butter, citrus, and sweet dough, a fragrance that is the very essence of the holiday season. 

    This bread, crafted by your hands, now serves as a conduit for joy, shared around the table and savored in the company of loved ones.

    Traditional Christmas Panettone Recipe


    • 500g bread flour, plus extra for dusting
    • 150g granulated sugar
    • 200g unsalted butter, softened
    • Three large eggs
    • 150ml warm milk
    • Zest of 1 lemon
    • Zest of 1 orange
    • 10g salt
    • 15g fresh yeast or 7g active dry yeast
    • 80g candied orange peel, diced
    • 80g candied citron, diced
    • 150g raisins
    • One vanilla pod, seeds scraped
    • Powdered sugar for dusting (optional)


    1. Prepare the Starter: In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast in the warm milk. Add 100g of flour and mix until you have a thick batter. Cover with plastic wrap and let it rise in a warm place for about 12 hours or until it has doubled in size.
    2. Make the Dough: To the risen starter, add the eggs, sugar, vanilla seeds, lemon zest, orange zest, and salt. Mix well. Gradually add the remaining flour and knead until the dough starts to form.
    3. Incorporate the Butter: Add the softened butter to the dough in increments, kneading well between additions. Continue to knead for about 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.
    4. Add Fruits: Fold in the candied orange peel, citron, and raisins until evenly distributed throughout the dough.
    5. First Proof: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 2 hours.
    6. Shape and Second Proof: Once risen, shape the dough into a ball and place it into a panettone mold. Let it proof again until it reaches the top of the mold, which may take 3-5 hours.
    7. Bake the Panettone: Preheat your oven to 180°C (350°F). Place the panettone in the oven and bake for 45-60 minutes, or until golden brown and a skewer inserted into the center comes out clean.
    8. Cool: If desired, skewer the base of the panettone and hang it upside down to cool for several hours.
    9. Serve: Dust with powdered sugar if desired, slice, and enjoy!


    Each slice of this panettone bread is a reminder of where it began: as a collection of simple ingredients that, when combined with care and patience, transform into a festive treat that’s more than just food—it’s a celebration. 

    Buon Natale and happy baking! As you share this bread, you’re not merely passing around a dessert; you’re distributing pieces of a story, a tradition that has traversed generations and seas to find its place in your home. 

    The golden crust, the tender crumb, and the jeweled fruits within are tokens of history, artistry, and the festive human spirit. Every morsel is a meld of cultures, an edible wish for happiness and togetherness. 

    It’s a humble bread with a grand presence, a sweet conclusion to your feast, and a testament to the timeless beauty of baking. Enjoy it slowly, savor each bite, and let the flavors of Christmas past, present, and future unfold with joy.