ClubTSL Interviews: Four Jandals on Date Nights, Adventures, and Combating Toilets


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This is an interview with Four Jandals, a blog detailing the adventures of a loveable Kiwi Adventure Couple who have been travelling since 2009. Cole, the manlier of the duo, was kind enough to spend some time sharing his thoughts with me, and this is what he had to say.

For those readers out there who aren’t already familiar with you, please introduce yourselves!

Cole – I love anything adventurous and if I had my way then I would be living it up somewhere there is sun, sand and surf. SO not sure what we are doing in the UK! Being able to combine adventures with travel is basically the greatest thing in the whole world!

Adela – I love the whole travelling lifestyle! Meeting the people, eating the local food (my favourite part) and exploring different cultures is the reason I travel.

So how long have you two been in transit?

This trip, and as a couple, we have been on the road for 2 and a half years. Slowly working and travelling our way around the world starting in Canada working at a ski field and then white water rafting for the summer. Jumped in a car for an epic 8 week road trip through North America before ending up here in Edinburgh for the past year so we can travel through Europe easily.

Traveling around Europe – as a couple – that’s got to be expensive, right?

THIS is why you must travel to Europe

It definitely has it’s downsides in terms of costs for activities and events. But in terms of accommodation and food (if we cook for ourselves) I think it actually works out cheaper. Plus we have the added bonus of having 2 incomes when we are travelling which allows us to save a lot more.

Why travel as a couple?

It is so much more fun being able to share your experiences with someone. Sure, being in each others back pockets constantly while travelling is damn hard work. One minute we are best friends, the next we are worst enemies. But somehow it seems to work and we have the best times together!

Care to share one of your fights with us?

Haha where to begin really. Most of our fights seem to occur from lack of sleep and food while we are in transit. Since we are both stubborn as hell we will just snap at one another when the littlest things go wrong like stubbing a toe and the other one laughing. Pretty ridiculous and we have learned to make sure we always have food nearby if we are starting to fray a little around the edges.

Between those minutes of best friendship and hating one another, have you found time to be romantic on the road?

You need to have “date nights” where all you do is just enjoy each others’ companies. Taking the time to reflect on what is most important to us, which is our families and each other, really makes a huge difference to our travels. I know it sounds ultra-cheesy but it really does work!

Have you ever thought of bringing along your families on one of these excursions?

We actually both love each others families so are quite happy to travel away with them anytime. Luckily we don’t invite them on the date nights though!

Date night looks like this, except with more limbs and less clothes

What have been the most romantic places when traveling abroad?

That is super tough to answer. Immediately thought of Paris but turns out that is really cliche. I don’t think one single place has been the most romantic but a bunch of different moments during the last 2 and a half years are what has made it special. Sunsets in Egypt, a boat cruise around the Statue of Liberty in New York, mountain biking in Canada andsnowboarding in France have all been our favourite “ignite” points.

Have there been any places that have diminished your sexual relationship?

Adela wasn’t too keen on me I think when I got really sick in Marrakech. It’s a bit hard to be romantic and sexy when you spend most of your time with your butt firmly planted on the toilet.

I actually had the same experience in Bali. My ass on the toilet, my girl in the bedroom – it was torture! Do you find that those kind of situations bring the two of you together, or…?

It kills any sort of mood for a few days that’s for sure. Adela is really good to me if I am sick but I know I suck at reciprocating it back when she is sick. Ensuites should never have been invented because you shouldn’t hear some of the things you hear when you are lying in bed!

What advice would you give to other couples just starting out on their adventure?

Private rooms always! Peace and quiet away from the rest of societies backpackers is needed when you are on the road. And make sure you can laugh at one another for the stupidest things.

Thank you so much for your time. Just one more thing – please finish this sentence: “It’s imperative that you check out our website because…”

It will kill a few hours while you are stuck in your little cubicle at work checking out our travel photos!

Are you a traveling couple in need of telling some saucy tales with the world? Or maybe you have a lot so share, but don’t have the strength to write up a guest post for us? Contact us and be featured in our ClubTSL Interviews!

By the way, it would do you good to stop what you’re doing and check out Four Jandals. They’ve got a lot of great photos and charming stories, and it would be pretty difficult to leave the site without a smile on your face.


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