Maplehurst Correctional Complex is a correctional facility for women and men who are 18 or above in age. It provides the topmost security detention center for the prisoners in remand for the pending court appearance. Besides, this correction facility also offers a medium to the maximum level of security for those who are sentenced to two years or less. It is basically a cost-effective project that provides an efficient way to operate the prisons. It has 1550 beds arranged for both male and female offenders. Maplehurst Correctional Complex is one of the oldest correctional facilities located in Milton, Ontario. Navigate through this post until the end to learn more about this correctional facility.
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MCC Project Description
Maplehurst Correctional Complex comes under the provincial government that regulates its funding as well. It is a medium to maximum security facility offered to offenders of 18 years or above. It serves in the Ontario area. In addition to inmate security, it also offers a wide range of programs helpful in reintegrating inmates with their community. It ensures an adequate supply of personal protective equipment to the inmates. Besides, consistent hygiene and sanitation are also some of the most important considerations of this facility. It is well-equipped with the latest tools to communicate with the other services and agencies in the hours of need. Moreover, the safe supply of the daily use products is also ensured.

Programs For The Inmates
Maplehurst Correctional Complex runs some well-thought-out programs that facilitate their reconciliation with society as the release date comes closer. Below is the list of the facility’s programs:
1: Education
MCC offers a comprehensive range of educational programs for the inmates that can forge their future towards the betterment. These multifaceted education programs are based on the educational background and interests of the inmates. Besides, their career preferences are also important when delivering these programs to them. The main educational programs are:

Vocational Programs
Inmate training in various occupational skills in prison institutions has garnered a lot of attention. These training programs allow offenders to engage in productive activities while serving their sentences in prison. Prison inmates receive training that not only adds value to their employment but also teaches them several skills. These skills enable them to pursue a career after their release from prison.
Career-Oriented Skills
Maximizing job opportunities for jailed individuals is crucial in supporting a correctional organization with its reintegration objectives in order to maximize the impact of industry programs. This is performed through a systems approach that incorporates strategic resource evaluation and programming, culminating in a comprehensive plan. By providing better job opportunities to the inmates, the facility ensures their optimal growth.
2: Counseling
Some inmates are involved in violent activities and have aggressive temperaments, which is not good for society. Besides, some of them are a part of the heinous crimes, such as rape and various others. Their reconciliation with society after the competition of the sentenced periods needs proper counseling treatment. These treatment programs are:

Counseling For Sex Offenders
Sex offender counseling is a procedure in which offenders are taught specific tactics for ending abusive behavior and accepting responsibility for the harm they have caused. Offenders of sexual offenses require such mental health care. The majority of sex offenders eventually return to society. Counseling for sex offenses is also useful for lowering recidivism rates. It is based on proper criminogenic assessments and based on insightful information; these practices become more effective.
Anger Management Services
Interventions in anger management with criminals, especially violent offenders, are a typical sort of rehabilitative activity. The case for addressing anger issues is compelling, and there is evidence that anger management can be helpful with some client demographics. These services by Maplehurst Correctional Complex are beneficial in providing inmates with better treatment for their anger issues so that they can develop a broader outlook towards life.
Trauma Care
Incarcerated males and females in the United States have exponentially higher rates of posttraumatic stress disorder. Besides, they are more exposed to violence than the general population. However, abrupt detoxification from substances, the pervasive authoritative presence can be traumatic for the inmates. Also, sensory and environmental trauma triggers can pose a threat to individual and institutional stability during incarceration. It is why trauma correctional care helps them to get rid of these fallible behaviors to lead a positive life.
3: Work Experience Programs
Work is contracted from outside the institution and through service-type companies in prison industries. Working in the prison industry emphasizes the development of work habits and skills that will help a prisoner find work once freed. The spectrum of industries available varies in every prison, but popular examples include metal production, forest product manufacturing, agriculture, and several other programs.

Recreational Programs
More than merely allowing offenders to escape the routine of prison life lies at the heart of the idea of prison leisure programs. Prisoners can use correctional recreation to modify their attitudes and habits. Recreational programs can help people cope with stress, overcome social challenges, and improve their physical well-being. These Maplehurst Correctional Complex programs enable offenders to ease the stress of prison life. Additionally, it also encourages healthy physical, mental, and social abilities.
Transitional Programs
The process of having to look for a meaningful job after release from jail can be overwhelming, especially for offenders who have been out of work for a long time. Through programs, many convicts gain valuable skills and employment experience. Vocational training and/or other occupational education courses may also come in this list. In today’s culture, however, offenders nearing release must relearn, or possibly learn for the first time, how to properly reconcile with society and seek professional prospects.
Reading this post until the end, you can learn about some essential aspects of Maplehurst Correctional Complex and its offered programs. It is one of the most extensive correction facilities that provide security and correction programs for inmates. These programs not only help inmates to rectify their behavior but also get back to society with better career-oriented skills. If you liked this post, visit our blog section and navigate through your favorite categories.