Unless your mental willpower is strong as a tack, or your penis is now void of life, defunct, from your post-breakup blues, you’ve inevitably attempted to hook with your ex, whether she is a lying whore, or not.A study contained in the Journal of Adolescent Research gathered empirical data from 792 young adults, aged 17-24, regarding their ex-sex behavior.
Finally, a quantification of this natural phenomenon.Researchers discovered that 53% of participants that got back with their ex, banged them while in a new relationship.This is rather enlightening and confirms the age old adage that you want what you can’t have. Except in this case, it would a mere illusion of monogamy, that is easily shattered with the reconciliation of the perils of the past.
Research shows that condom usage, typically, is high at the onset of a relationship. As the relationship progresses, and trust and intimacy develop, many opt for the birth control or classic pull-out method of contraception. When one breaks up and later attempts to swoon the other into some nostalgic humping, it is best to flash back to the initiation of the relationship and wear a raincoat.You don’t want chlamydia or syphilis or herpes or HIV. I heard those are disease that are best avoided.
You know, you could always pull the insecure, immature card by wiping out all forms of potential communication with them. It’s obvious you can no longer be Facebook “friends.”
I mean, how can you be friends with an animal that tore out your entrails, spit on them, and stomped all over them.