3 tips from Glennys Rosario to create an environmentally friendly office


Caring for the environment has become one of the most important goals within offices in recent years. Employees are encouraged to lead a “greener” life, which can have a positive impact on the planet in the short and long term. Here are a few tips by Glennys Rosario to turn your office into a more ecological and sustainable place. 

When it comes to helping the environment, small actions go a long way. The environmental impact of each collaborator within the workplace must be taken into account. Even small changes represent a fundamental step in aiding the ecological improvement of the office. 

With these simple tips, you will be able to help the environment from your workplace and make a big difference:

  • Reduce the use of paper in the office

Digital media has become a fundamental tool for any task within the office. Different apps are now used to keep us from printing long documents that are later thrown away. A fundamental goal in the office must be to stop using paper altogether by having several digital resources available to all employees so that they can easily adapt to the digital age.

  • Transportation benefits 

This method of mobilization is increasingly popular, prompting employees to stop using their cars. This reduces environmental pollution, since a single vehicle transports employees to and from the office, stopping on different routes.

  • Reduce water waste 

It is important to raise awareness among all employees in the office to make responsible use of water in the bathrooms and common areas. This will cause a significant positive impact on the environment. 

Even small actions can make a huge difference. With these tips from Glennys Rosario, you will be able to motivate a change within your office and generate a positive impact on the environment. In the long run, you will be able to transform your workspace into an environmentally friendly place.