Volume of Cuboid – Definition and Formula

Volume of Cuboid

The space that is occupied by the three-dimensional figure, that is the cuboid is known as the volume of cuboid. How would you define a Cuboid? The cuboid is a three-dimensional structure that consists of its own space within it. The six faces of the cuboid are the pair of three parallel faces of that structure. Thus, the volume of the cuboid is measured based on the dimension of these three faces – Length, Width, and Height. The result of the volume of the cuboid is then measured in terms of Cubic Units. Thus, the surface area of the cuboid is the total area coverage by its rectangular faces. 

Formula of the Volume of Cuboid 

The formula for the calculation of the volume of Cuboid is as follows:

The volume of Cuboid = Length X Width X Height (in terms of Cubic Units)

Thus, the answer of the volume of the cuboid is given by the product of the dimension of its width, length, and height. The unit volume of the cuboid is in terms of cubic units like m3, cm3, in3, etc. 

Another way to represent the volume of the cuboid is

The volume of a cuboid = l × b × h    [cubic units]

In this case,

  • l = length
  • b = breadth
  • h = height

Volume of Cube

The volume of the Cube is defined as the total space that is occupied by the three-dimensional space. A cube is a three-dimensional or 3D shape that constitutes its volume and thus creating a volume of its own. The volume of the cube is the figure which is enclosed by the six faces. This is quite different than the 2-dimensional faces, it also has other additional dimensions which are apart from the length and the width that is called the height of its thickness. Thus, the volume of the Cube can be represented as the product of its length, width, and height. This is being measured in cubic units. The value of the volume of the cube is the value of its dimensions it changes accordingly. 

Formula of the Volume of a Cube 

The volume of the cube represents the number of cubic units which is enclosed in this cubic figure. The unit volume of the cube is in cubic units measurement like the centimeters, meters, inches, feet, etc. 

The cube is a solid figure, which is three-dimensional in shape and has 6 square faces also known as the 6 sides. Thus, the volume of the cube is the total space which is occupied by it. 

Very easily we can find the volume of the cube if we are able to know the length of its edges. As the length of the edges of the cube is ‘a’ and thus the ‘V’ will be the product of the height, width, and length of the cube which is again represented by ‘a’. Thus, the formula of the volume of the Cube is as:

Volume of a cube = Length × Width × Height

Volume = a × a × a

Volume = a3

Here ‘a’ is known as the length of the side of the figure that is the cube or edges.

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