If you want to carry out the NCDPS inmate search, then here is an insightful guide for you. NCDPS or North Carolina Department of Public Safety enables the individuals to find an offender with his name or other related parameters. Besides, it offers the latest tools that can help you to make a comprehensive report on an inmate based on the selected criteria. Furthermore, it also offers services for the victims of the offenders and keeps them informed about the offender’s whereabouts and activities. If you want to look for an offender using the NCDPS inmate search facility, read this post until the end.
Table of Contents
What Is NCDPS? An Overview
NCDPS stands for the North Carolina Department of Public Safety that looks after the regulatory and law enforcement activities in the state. A secretary of public safety governs this department. The government makes the appointment of the secretary of North Carolina. He/she is also a member of the cabinet. It maintains the two major functions that things work in compliance with the laws and regulatory authorities. It also provides facilities for the juveniles. Furthermore, it maintains an intelligible database for the inmates so that their movements and activities can easily be traced by the concerned individuals. NCDPS inmate search is a popular facility for inmate lookups.

Inmate Search Options With NCDPS
In addition to its law enforcement responsibility, NCDPS also maintains the database for the offenders of the state. It helps the law enforcement agencies and friends, and family members to trace the movement of the offenders. To make the NCDPS inmate search easier, the agency offers advanced tools and techniques. Below are some of the main procedures to look for an inmate in the state prisons during their incarceration:
1: Offender’s Public Information Search
The offender’s public information search is available for the public, and they can search for an inmate with the name or ID of the inmate. Entering this information, one can get their updated information with the North Carolina state prison. It has maintained the historical information about the inmates back from 1972 till date. However, you may not search the county jail information with this facility. Additionally, you can also lookup various information, such as escapes, captures, absconders, and more. Furthermore, the law enforcement agencies download a massive amount of data using this facility for the statistical analysis of the inmates and their activities.

2: Download Specialized Reports
NCDPS search option provides cutting-edge tools to carry out NCDPS inmate search from the database. These tools are devised for the specialized queries of the individuals. These tools allow you to provide specific criteria based on which it yields the report for you. For instance, if you select the demographic criteria, it will give you an intuitive report on the demographical facts and figures related to the inmates. Besides, you can also look for the returns and counts of the inmates if you are carrying out a statistical analysis of the inmate’s behaviors. These data can help in finding the answers to some significant criminogenic questions.

3: Inmate Search Facilities For Victims
North Carolina works with the astringent policy to provide full support to the victims. Therefore, it allows access to the offender’s custody notification to the victims, which is completely confidential in nature. Besides, it also keeps the friends or family members in the loop for this information which supports the victim. This service is absolutely free of cost. Additionally, it provides victims with a satisfactory feeling. This service includes several types of inmates, including county or state prisoners, sex offenders, parolees, and more. Individuals can choose from a wide range of options through which they want to get notified about the inmate’s whereabouts.

4: Track Sex Offenders
This NCDPS inmate search facility maintains the database for the registered sex offenders in the state. State Bureau of Investigation maintains this database to keep an eye on the offenders to reduce the crime rates. This database also includes the residential addresses of the offenders so that they can easily be traced. The law enforcement agencies strive to keep close eyes on these offenders so that they don’t re-offend. Besides, if a similar incident occurs, tracing of their activities become easier. Moreover, the record is also helpful in deriving some insightful reports related to the rape cases and the offender’s psychology.

5: Interstate Offenders
Sometimes the supervision of the state offenders is transferred to the other states. However, the information on such parolees or probationers can easily be acquired using the search tools gives on the NCDPS website. It helps the close friends and family members of the inmates to know the movement of the offenders. Imprisonment is not easy to digest for everyone and can make people panic. However, when the offenders remain in contact or have knowledge of their family members, the probability of reoffending decreases to a great extent.

6: Lookup Facilities For Law Enforcement Investigators
The North Carolina search facility from the Department of Public safety enables the individuals to look for the inmates using their ID or last name. Law enforcement officers highly rely on this service. They use this information to keep things going in compliance with the regularity authorities while ensuring that law and order remain intact. Besides, the data is also shared with close friends or people who take care of the victims. Also, the family members of the offenders can also avail this information from the NCDPS Adult Correction database. Visit Lookupinmate for inmate search.

7: Victim Services
Along with the NCDPS inmate search, the department also offers services for the victims that include the coverage of the medical and other expenses as a result of a criminal offense. There are different programs that facilitate the healing, financial recovery, and overall well-being of the victims. For instance, the Rape Victim Assistance program pays for the forensic medical examination expenses.

Final Words!
This post offers full-fledged information on the NCDPS inmate search facility. These services are crucial for the victims, families of the victims, and offenders. Besides, having the offender’s information handy helps the law enforcement agencies to counter the criminal incidents. For more blog updates on your favorite categories, stay connected and keep visiting our blog section.